It occurred to me recently that there was a time when April 2nd was just…April 2nd.  I mean I knew about autism awareness day or whatever we’re calling it now or may have called it then, but it was just another day. It’s not even that it’s more than just a day now, but it’sContinue reading

Halloween and Shades Of Gray

I recognized the hand grip as you were walking up with your son.  The matching Spiderman suits were another giveaway.  “Hey guys, Happy Halloween!”  “He’s nonverbal, I’m sorry. We’re working on it.”  Somehow my heart sank and I was filled with hope and admiration for you at the same time.  I remember the first fewContinue reading “Halloween and Shades Of Gray”

Float Friday: the origin story.

Yesterday I had to go to Costco.  We were out of apples and animal cookies.  Food has always been a thing for us…a complicated thing.  But apples and animal cookies are necessities.  We’ve spent most of his life either feeding him before we go out to eat somewhere or searching menus before deciding on aContinue reading “Float Friday: the origin story.”

In seven days, he turns eleven.  And he’s been counting down the days til his birthday for awhile. He loves them. He hates cake, but loves birthdays. It’s one of my favorite things about him- he’s always got to have a birthday cake. He never touches it. He will take a picture with it, butContinue reading

A story about shoes that isn’t really about shoes at all.

It’s not just a pair of shoes. But it was a pair of shoes that had me literally sweating the morning of the first day of school. Since kindergarten, shoes have been a “thing.” He spent most of the first several years of his life barefoot or in footie pajamas. And when he did wearContinue reading “A story about shoes that isn’t really about shoes at all.”

I have stopped myself several times since school started because the urge to word vomit everything about him is….strong. I basically want to explain all the ins and outs of what makes him tick and the things he’s hyper fixed on right now and detail all of the what ifs even though a new teacherContinue reading

It was a quick TikTok. Well intentioned, I’m sure. “As we start this new school year, just a reminder that if your kids aren’t in special education, make sure you tell them to say hi to those kids who are.” That was basically the gist of it. Which is a great reminder. I think. ButContinue reading